JEA/NSPA Information
If you are looking to get involved with national scholastic journalism, we recommend two specific organizations: the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association.
Journalism Education Association (JEA)
Annual membership: $95 for a teacher/adviser
- Access to over 200 weeks’ worth of detailed lesson plans for all levels of journalism instruction
- Ability to earn certification as either a Certified Journalism Educator or a Master Journalism Educator
- Subscription to the quarterly journal Communication: Journalism Education Today (C:JET)
- Ability to attend semi-annual conventions and the annual Advisers Institute
- Eligibility for awards for students, advisers, and your whole journalism program
- Mentoring program for new advisers
National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA)
Annual membership: Fee varies & is based on type of publication
- Eligibility for awards for students, advisers, and your whole journalism program
- Access to the NSPA Critique program for detailed feedback about your publication
- Ability to attend semi-annual conventions
- One-on-one consultations with NSPA-designated experts
- Directory information for other members
- Quill and Scroll journalism honor society
- Additional online resources