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Ohio Scholastic Media Association

Ohio Scholastic Media Association

Ohio Scholastic Media Association

Region 3

2023 Region 3 fall workshop at the University of Cincinnati on Oct. 27

Spend the day learning and sharing at a fall regional workshop. (photo by Melinda C. Yoho)

*Find the full workshop program HERE

Registration Details

Fill out the online registration form HERE.

The deadline to register is Oct. 17, 2023. It’s OK if you can’t pay by that date. Just send a purchase order to indicate you will pay on-site. However, counts are final for the adviser lunch with no changes after Oct. 17.

Workshop Details

The fall 2023 regional workshop for Region 3 will be held at the University of Cincinnati on Oct. 27, 2023. All workshop sessions will be held in the Tangeman University Center (map of campus). The cost of workshop attendance is $15 for students and $15 (no lunch) or $20 (with lunch) for advisers.

Advisers will receive workshop information and a confirmation shortly after OSMA receives registration. We will also email maps, student lunch options and a draft program a couple of days before the event.

Registration is in the Tangeman University Center, beginning at 9 a.m. Oct. 27, 2023. Students will choose a session time to eat lunch.

Workshop Schedule:

  • Registration (9-9:30 a.m.)
  • Session #1 (9:30-10:15 a.m.)
  • Session #2 (10:30-11:15 a.m.)
  • Session #3 (11:30-12:15 p.m.)
  • Session #4 (12:30-1:15 p.m.)
  • Session #5 (1:30-2:15 p.m. — student media tours & 1:1 publication critiques only)


DON’T FORGET YOUR OSMA MEMBERSHIP. This must be renewed each school year in order to attend workshops and conventions. Learn more about OSMA membership HERE.

Stay tuned for more information about sessions that will likely include the following topics:

  • dealing with legal and ethical situations
  • solving photo challenges
  • learning how to tell award-winning stories
  • finding story ideas
  • seeking out good sources
  • hitting your stride with a great interview
  • sports reporting
  • broadcast tips
  • working with new technology

Are you an adviser or newsroom pro? Would you like to present a session on Oct. 27? Fill out a Speaker Form.

Questions? Contact OSMA Staff at [email protected].

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