The OSMA Board has been hard at work over the past few months, going through the process of becoming an independent nonprofit organization. Our team has affectionately been referring to this switch as “OSMA 2.0,” and we hope that the changes will incorporate all of the things that you love about OSMA while also giving us more independence and freedom moving forward as an organization.
Here are some changes to expect in the upcoming weeks and months:
Increased prices. We hate to say it, but we are needing to raise our prices (for the first time since the organization was founded in 2006). Effective this school year, membership prices will be $100 per school. Fall workshop rates will be $15/person. The spring convention rates will also be increasing a bit due to rising banquet costs as well.
A new W-9 form & mailing address. If your school district has always paid for OSMA fees by sending a check to Kent State, we have some updated information for you! Board President Julieanne McClain will be sending all advisers an updated W-9 form. Please give this updated paperwork to your treasurer before you process any payments to us.
Lots of website updates. You’ll notice there are an awful lot of “stayed tuned for…” statements on the website as of right now. Hopefully we’ll get all those details sorted out in the upcoming months, but if you notice something that you think should be up to date, please let us know!